
Au fost dezvăluite trofeele Hi-Fi Rush pentru PlayStation 5: obține trofeul de platină și expansiunea gratuită

Trofeele pentru versiunea PlayStation 5 a jocului Hi-Fi Rush au fost dezvăluite înaintea lansării prevăzute pe 19 martie, dezvăluind un set ambițios de cerințe pentru jucători în căutarea trofeului de platină.

Trofeul de platină al lui Hi-Fi Rush necesită o abordare completă a jocului, cu finalizarea la fiecare nivel de dificultate și o mulțime de misiuni secundare și obiecte de colecție pentru a fi completate. Jocul va veni cu un total de 72 de trofee, inclusiv 10 realizări DLC din actualizarea Arcade Challenge, adăugând un nivel suplimentar de provocare pentru colecționarii de trofee.

Realizarea trofeelor DLC nu este necesară pentru obținerea trofeului de platină, dar pentru a debloca acesta, jucătorii vor trebui să treacă prin diferite niveluri de dificultate, inclusiv Ușor, Normal, Greu, Foarte greu și Maestru ritm. De asemenea, misiunile secundare și găsirea obiectelor de colecție vor constitui o parte importantă a experienței de joc.

Expansiunea gratuită a Arcade Challenge va fi disponibilă pentru utilizatorii PlayStation 5 la achiziționarea jocului, oferindu-le propriile lor 10 trofee. Aceste trofee sunt concentrate în principal pe noile moduri de joc introduse de DLC, BPM Rush și Power Up! Turnul Sus!, extinzând astfel și mai mult experiența jocului.

Cu toate acestea, dezvăluirea trofeelor nu este singura veste recentă legată de Hi-Fi Rush. Există speculații că jocul ar putea fi lansat și pentru Switch 2, odată cu debutul anticipat al consolei. Chiar dacă inițial zvonurile despre versiunea multiplatformă au fost dezmințite, există speranțe că fanii ar putea avea ocazia să se bucure de Hi-Fi Rush pe Switch 2.

Jocul Hi-Fi Rush a primit recunoaștere pentru designul său audio la The Game Awards 2023, cucerind un premiu pentru Cel mai bun design audio. Această victorie nu a fost o surpriză, având în vedere că jocul a fost lăudat pentru experiența sa auditivă unică și satisfăcătoare, făcându-l un succes printre mulți fani.

Lista completă de trofee:

  • I’ve gone platinum! Went above and beyond to aquire all trophies.
  • Start with a bang! Take out the last line of defense at Quality Assurance.
  • Cream of the Crop Come out on top with a battle against the head of Production.
  • This will cost you big time Drain development’s budget, removing creative control.
  • The Negotiator Remove the head of Security from the equation.
  • Headliner Be the showstopper for the head of Marketing.
  • Time to pay up! Settle the bill with the head of Finance.
  • Who’s the boss now? Take it up with the CEO, and come out on top.
  • Easy Listening Finish the game completing every level on the Easy difficulty.
  • Well that was a rush! Finish the game and complete every level on the Normal difficulty.
  • I think I deserve some praise, here! Finish the game and complete every level on the Hard difficulty.
  • And the crowd goes wild! Finish the game and complete every level on the Very Hard difficulty.
  • Didn’t skip a beat! Finish the game and complete every level on the Rhythm Master difficulty.
  • Problem solved… wait, what? Discover the deeper mystery behind the SPECTRA doors on campus.
  • I can’t see this ever being a problem again Solve the problem once and for all in an epic battle.
  • Thanks for the free chip, Peppermint! Purchase and equip your first upgrade chip.
  • Chip-tuned Increase your chip slots to the maximum capacity.
  • I play my own way! Purchase and equip your first Special Attack.
  • Whoa! There’s ANOTHER health bar!? Increase your health to where you unlock a second tier.
  • I think that’s enough health for now Fully upgrade your health bar by collecting all Life Gauges.
  • Fully Powered Up! Fully upgrade your Reverb Gauge to the maximum.
  • I have to read these things? Find and read half of the Vandelay Vlogs on the campus.
  • I have to read ALL of these things? Find and read every Vandelay Vlog on the campus.
  • Feeling the beat! Land 20 beat-hit attacks on enemies.
  • Beat-hit mania Land 500 beat-hit attacks on enemies.
  • You got this, Peppermint? Destroy 10 barriers by calling in Peppermint.
  • You must like calling me in, Chai Destroy 50 barriers by calling in Peppermint.
  • Z-shielding’s got nothing on us! Shatter 10 enemy shields by calling in Macaron.
  • I think I found your calling, Macaron Shatter 50 enemy shields by calling in Macaron.
  • Out in a puff of smoke Put out 10 fires in battle with Korsica. (Enemies included.)
  • This is a breeze! Put out 50 fires in battle with Korsica. (Enemies included.)
  • Perfect Parry Sucessfully parry with perfect timing 15 times.
  • Perfecter Parry-er! Sucessfully parry with perfect timing 200 times.
  • Uh, they were broken when I got here Destroy 200 Vandelay security robots.
  • That’s a lot of junk metal… Destroy 500 Vandelay security robots.
  • OK, well THEY came after ME! Destroy 1000 Vandelay security robots.
  • Kissing the sky! Perform 50 Aerial Raves.
  • We’re Jammin’ Successfully pull off 20 Jam Combos
  • I’m not done with you yet Overkill 20 enemies.
  • First we parry, then we counter Perform 20 parry counters using any partner.
  • Now this is how you fight like a team! Perform 100 parry counters using any partner.
  • My Ultimate Setlist Complete all the floors in the Rhythm Tower.
  • I look cool. But I can look COOLER. Equip any costume.
  • What a journey it was… Complete the Wall of Fame in the hideout.
  • This was… not what I expected. Have “The Artist” decorate your hideout.
  • There’s such a thing as TOO helpful Find and engage with every Smidge, while completing all of his practice tips.
  • Have we met before? Find Vandelay HR’s investigator and hear all of its monologues.
  • Who put gears in there? Destroyed your first golden statue of Kale.
  • Alright, that felt AWESOME! Defeated your first enemy with a Rhythm Parry Attack.
  • I hit things with a guitar really well. Finish a stage with a S rank for every Chorus. (Any difficulty.)
  • I’m untouchable! Finish a stage without taking any damage. (Any difficulty.)
  • You can pet the cat! Play with 808 in the hideout.
  • Wanna hear my playlist? Change the background music in the hideout.
  • Does that say weakpoint? Destroy QA-1MIL’s face, revealing its shame.
  • I told you I’d be fine, Peppermint! Complete the ride through production on the transit rail without taking damage.
  • You ever parry a volcano? Successfully parry a volcanic rock outside of research and development.
  • I am a good person who likes to help Help out 3 Vandelay robots with their pressing issues.
  • I’m trying to FOCUS HERE! Find and shoot down every hovering announcement drone.
  • With our powers combined…and to the rhythm… Perfectly time your take down of your largest foe yet in a musical finale.
  • I saw all those hits coming a measure away! Perfectly parry every non-boss enemy’s Rhythm Parry attack. (Only for enemies in the main game.)
  • Check out my moves! Purchase every combo and partner attack.
  • OK, I THINK I know what I’m doing now Successfully pull off every combo and attack in the Training Room.
  • NOW we got a kickass hideout! Try out the arcade cabinet in the hideout.
  • Call me Turbo Chai Clear a run of BPM RUSH! (Easy or Normal difficulty.)
  • Choose your own adventure Clear a run of Power Up! Tower Up!
  • It’ll do, CNMN Unlock the Special Attack “CNMANIAC” and use it in battle.
  • Please don’t make this awkward Unlock the Special Attack “My Hero!” and use it in battle.
  • That was just EVIL Clear BPM RUSH! on EX Mode.
  • New bad guys? No problem! Perfectly parry both KEM-N0 and DM-ET1L’s rhythm parry attack.
  • It was all for this Finally get your hands on that gift basket.
  • Voices from within Read all messages from the developers.
  • Low budget finish Defeat the main game final boss wearing the “Low Budget” Costume for Chai (with guitar) and 808

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